Draining the Swamp

By D.R. Hill

World Premiere

16-27 August 2023, Edinburgh

28-30 September 2023, Norden Farm Centre for the Arts, Maidenhead

 29 Feb – 2 March 2024, OSO Arts Centre, Barnes

6 March, Beccles Public Hall; 7 March Dorchester Arts Centre

17 April, Cornerstone Didcot; 19 April, Swindon Arts Centre

20 April, Oxford Playhouse (Burton Taylor Studio)

24 April, Brentwood Theatre; 25 April, The Stables Hastings


Instagram – http://instagram.com/drainingtheswampplay/

Facebook – Rowland D. Hill


Draining the Swamp – August 2023 – April 2024


 This provocative new play explored Sir Oswald Mosley’s controversial life and activities, with a chilling contemporary punch. Is fascism once again on the march? Does the legacy of  Mosley continue to feed populist, right wing movements?

From the perspective of the 1960’s, and the emergence of the European Union, the play sees Sir Oswald Mosley looking back on his experiences in the 1930’s. It brings to life the meteoric political rise of Mosley as a potential Labour Prime Minister, and the subsequent founding and development of the British Union of Fascists. There are scenes with Mosley and Diana Mitford on their wedding day at Joseph Goebbels’s house in Berlin, and we witness the events leading up to the infamous Battle of Cable Street, before the Mosley’s are incarcerated in Holloway Prison, during the war. Reflecting back from his silver and ruby wedding anniversaries, Mosley ponders on his legacy and the opportunities for future political leaders to communicate with and stir the masses. It ends with his legacy in 2019.


Initial cast and creative team (2023) comprised Rowland D. Hill as Sir Oswald Mosley, Tina Thomas as Lady Diana Mosley, plus Georgia Winters, Simon Polo-Clarke and Dawson James. Directed by Su Gilroy, with lighting design by Matthew Biss and technical support from Robert Bullen. The subsequent new production in 2024 was directed by David Furlong and designed by Jeffrey Choy, with Rowland D. Hill as Sir Oswald Mosley, Ciara Pouncett as Lady Diana Mosley, plus Claudia Whitby-Tillott, David Boyle and Chris Keyna. Lighting and technical support were by Matthew Biss and Robert Bullen


1 Craufurd Rise, Maidenhead SL6 7LR UK